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Jill Bennett Coaching

Helping you get where you want to be.
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What is Coaching?

Prior to Coronavirus, many of us were in constant motion, with some of us even moving at break-neck speed. Now our livelihoods have come to an abrupt halt, and we find ourselves in a time of reflection, and transition as we prepare to navigate what will certainly be a new world.


How will you show up? Will you slow down, ramp up, keep the pace or adjust course? Perhaps you're considering a new path altogether? Wherever you want or need to go, coaching can help. Coaching helps you move from point A to point B and beyond. It offers you the chance to become more self-aware, explore new perspectives, set new goals and move past obstacles to live your best life as your best self.


Where counselling looks back to unlock deeply-rooted problems and addresses them through more intensive therapy, coaching focuses on looking forward to help you grow personally and change behavior. You choose your journey. You make the plan. You set your course, because the answers are within you.

Schedule a Coaching Session

New clients can get started with a free 20-minute consultation. Learn more!


Special Offer to the AACC Community!

Are you a student at Anne Arundel Community College? You may be able to take advantage of coaching sessions at no cost. Contact me today to schedule a 15-minute call.


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We are better at our jobs, our volunteer work, our sports and in our relationships when we bring our best selves. Up your team's game with one of the following topics, or we can work together to customize a program just for your group. Contact me for details.




  • Powerful Questions That Lead to Powerful Results

  • Identify Your Personal Core Values

  • Develop Your Plan for Success

  • Establish Team Values and Leadership Traits

  • Wrangle Your Inner Critic

  • Become Your Own Coach: Let's Build Your Support Team


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