Meet the Coach

Jill Bennett
Full-time marketing professional, avid sailboat racer, wife, mom and now coach. Who knew? Not me when I walked into this amazing professional development opportunity that turned into a life-changing experience. Anne Arundel Community College was launching an ICF-certified Engagement Coaching program that rivaled ones only offered at four-year colleges. They claimed vast improvement in leadership and life and I thought, I'm in! I want to up my leadership game with solid coaching skills. Who wouldn't? That is until I was a couple hours into the first day of the nine-day of training when I realized just how deep and substantive this experience was going to be. Uh oh, I'm in (it) alright. What have I done? Two years later, I am an ICF-certified associate certified coach helping change the lives of students, staff, faculty and private clients.
Accredited Associate Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation
Received accredited training at Anne Arundel Community College. Learn more about AACC's Engagement Coach Training curriculum from one of our outstanding trainers.
Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Oklahoma State University
Go cowboys. Loved my time at OSU, despite my parents becoming Sooner fans.
Director of Marketing and Public Relations, Anne Arundel Community College
It's my full-time job and passion, and I'm fortunate to work with the most incredibly talented team ever! And now that I'm a coach, I get to coach AACC students too. Learn more about how AACC coaches students.
Vice President, Deep Creek Sailing School
Check out this all-volunteer run school located in paradise and tell me you wouldn't pour out your heart to help teach kids to sail.
Honored to help lead one of the nation's strongest junior sailing programs.
Junior Committee Chair, Severn Sailing Association